Update on Lisa
“A Purpose can be found in everything that happens.” No matter what happens, a purpose can be found in it.”
As you all know, I have not written in a while. I’ve been focusing on other things.
🌝 🤗 😀 ✌🏻
New focus to my website and groups for next year- LOVE & CONNECTION COACH
Finishing up my current group of “Women over 50”
New Facebook group called, “Women over 50 who want to date again.” (If you wish to be a member, please let me know and I’ll send you the link.) I try to post several times a week.
Dating someone
Cleaning up and deleting my emails
Seeing friends
Organizing my apartment-bought a new piece of furniture then having a declutter help me organize and get rid of unnecessary items. I already have donated a lot of clothes!
I had my bone spur surgery (on my right big toe) on October 4th and healing well. On November 4th, an X-Ray will be taken to make sure it is healing properly. I bought some closed toe dance shoes so no one will be able to hurt my toe.
Soon to start getting ready for my Caribbean cruise in December.
Having fun!
Learning and growing! Isn’t that what life is all about?
I will leave you with a few quotes from my FaceBook group that I think you will really enjoy.