Update on Lisa


“A Purpose can be found in everything that happens.” No matter what happens, a purpose can be found in it.”

As you all know, I have not written in a while. I’ve been focusing on other things.

🌝    🤗   😀   ✌🏻                                                                  

  • New focus to my website and groups for next year- LOVE & CONNECTION COACH

  • Finishing up my current group of “Women over 50”

  • New Facebook group called, “Women over 50 who want to date again.” (If you wish to be a member, please let me know and I’ll send you the link.) I try to post several times a week.

  • Self-Care

  • Dating someone

  • Cleaning up and deleting my emails

  • Seeing friends

  • Organizing my apartment-bought a new piece of furniture then having a declutter help me organize and get rid of unnecessary items. I already have donated a lot of clothes!

  • I had my bone spur surgery (on my right big toe) on October 4th and healing well. On November 4th, an X-Ray will be taken to make sure it is healing properly. I bought some closed toe dance shoes so no one will be able to hurt my toe.

  • Soon to start getting ready for my Caribbean cruise in December.

  • Having fun!

  • Learning and growing! Isn’t that what life is all about?

  • I will leave you with a few quotes from my FaceBook group that I think you will really enjoy.

Lisa Botwinick

I am a life coach who coaches “Women over 50 who want to date or love again!”


Meditations for Women by Jane Powell! (Cont.)


Meditations for Women by Jane Powell