Hi, I’m Lisa Botwinick, and I am so glad you’re here!

Love for Lisa

“In three words, I would say that you are dynamic, flexible and smart. Just to expand on that, I see that you are in charge of your life and are giving yourself the best care possible. That is related to your self-esteem that carries through your actions. You are easy to get along with and you take responsibility where appropriate. You, however, are not weak or meek. You are brave and goal directed. My impression is that you know what you want and go about seeking to fulfill your needs. I find, in you, a loving person and the way we interact. You are also generous with your affection.”

— Cate, New York

To see more love for Lisa click here


Lisa Botwinick empowers women over 50 to reignite their spark and confidence so they can find love again.

Through her 25 years’ experience in Human Resources, Lisa understands the importance of embracing your unique gifts and passions. She brings those insights to her coaching business, helping her clients appreciate their core gifts so they can confidently attract their soulmate.

Lisa is a Certified Professional Coach and has been trained in several coach dating programs. She’s also a certified mentor for “Deeper Dating” by Ken Page.

On a personal note, Lisa enjoys swing and ballroom dancing, theater, movies, arts & crafts and traveling.

My name is Lisa Botwinick, and I am a 70-something single woman living in New York City. After leaving a 25-year career in human resources, I learned that life is truly wonderful when we really take the time to explore the things that bring us joy. I spend my days coaching, dancing, creating, making art and jewelry, and truly accepting who I have become.  I support women over 50 to reignite their confidence so they can meet quality men and find love again! However, this was not always the case.

From my 25-year career in Human Resources, I learned the importance of embracing each person’s unique gifts, strengths, and passions. I bring those insights to my coaching clients, helping them appreciate their core gifts, so they can confidently attract their soulmate.

My HR career also taught me how to interview candidates for employment, considering the needs of the organization. It’s the same with dating! Understanding and communicating your unique needs are essential to connect with the right partner.

Growing up in a suburb of New York City, most of the time I conformed to what was expected of me and forgot about what really resonated with me. I became withdrawn and did not express my feelings. I was often the mediator for the family, barely holding it together. I became stunted from exploring and discovering who I really was and how I felt. This led me to feel lost, depressed, and unexpressed.

My journey towards my own happiness started when I began working with a coach and found it very powerful. I started to learn how to really express myself and what qualities I truly wanted in my relationship. When I finally ended a toxic relationship in 2012, I was a whole new person, for the better. I was ready to move forward, ignited with more confidence to find my soulmate! I learned how to express my feelings and needs and this was a wonderful period of growth and learning for me!

After the break-up of my five-year relationship, my body started to react and I was in pain. Despite this, I pushed myself and kept going and going like the energizer bunny! Except I had no more energy. I had to seek medical help. This taught me how to SLOW DOWN and listen to my own body.  Listening to your body is also important when starting to date. It will tell you a lot that your mind may not! My body told me it was time to leave the relationship as it no longer served me, and I had learned what I needed to learn. I was ready to move forward, reignited!

After both my parents passed away, with the second in 2015, despite the sadness I felt, I was able to think a little bit of what I wanted for myself and my life. To my surprise, I also felt some sense of “freedom” (which is normal). I learned how to accept the sadness and was able to see both sides of my parents, the positive side, and the negative side.  I was ready to move forward and live my own life!

It is my mission to support you to feel confident and attractive so you can meet quality men and find love again! You can then feel ignited with a partner that respects you, has similar values, is on your educational and emotional level and most definitely adds to your happiness and joy by just being you!

Reignited, after 50 to find quality men who are emotionally available!

Ready to get started with a complimentary session? 


October 25, 2021

As of April 14, 2021

As of April 14, 2021

  • Certified Professional Coach (CPC) through an accredited institution, The Institute for the Professional Excellence of Coaching (IPEC) May 2017

  • Certified Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) May 2017

  • Member of International Coach Federation

  • 25 Years in Human Resources


How I Reignite Myself!


Dancing has been and still is a part of my life since 1985 as I have developed, flourished and spread my wings as a person in so many ways! The attached video was taken at the Sock Hop Sundays located at the Iguana Café in Manhattan, 240 West 54th Street between 8th Avenue and Broadway. 


A few years ago, “The Ink Pad” crafts store moved right across the street from me, which was dangerous as I frequented it often!  They offered some courses in stamping, greeting cards and collages in journal writing. I was immediately hooked! When I am involved with creating, all my “problems” disappear, or as I like to reframe them as “opportunities” that assist me to change to be the type of woman I desire. At the same time, I also learned how to bead, make jewelry. I also feel that I have accomplished something beautiful and that I am proud to show my friends and family. So here goes:
