“Each moment describes who you are, and gives you the opportunity to decide if that’s who you want to be.”
“If you want to be happy, put your effort into controlling the sail, not the wind.”
Life is a journey, a becoming, a growing, a process. If fact, one might say that the most enlightened goal could be to enjoy the process of life.
This Foundational principle of IPEC (Institute of the Professional Excellence of Coaching) makes much more sense to me right now as I write this article and have started my coaching business. I have created the activities and media that I need to work on that gives me pleasure and fulfillment and I am learning something new as well!
One day as I was looking through my Facebook Feed I found an instructor who teaches an Instagram course and I know that currently this social media is becoming quite popular! It is a six-week course and today, Sunday, March 17, I just started week Five (5)! I am obsessed with this as it is creative and definitely is controlling my sails! If you are interested in finding out the name and details of the woman who teaches the course, please feel free to email me at coachlisa@lisabotwinick.com. Last week she had a contest of doing a before video on Instagram, and she put the names in a hat and pulled three names. Mine was one of them and I am going to receive a package from her in the mail. She lives in England so it will take a few weeks! It will be a surprise and I love surprises! I’ll let you know about my gift when I receive it!
I am having fun and becoming expert at something new at my age! I learned a few new programs as well, Canva, to create quotes with backgrounds, ColorStory, to edit photos, Planoly to plan my posts, Enlight Videoleap Editor to edit my videos, and now Big Vu Teleprompter to help me with my videos and Ripl.com to put some music into my videos. Wow, that's a lot of new programs! The music one comes later when I can practice how to do a video. My next step is to buy a ring light to give myself some good lighting. The rest of this week, I will practice my videos and by the end of the week, I will have one posted into my feed. I can only do 60 seconds so I better make it worthwhile!
You can reach me on Instagram at either @lisabotwinick or @life_coach_women_over_50. So far I have six new posts. I will post two more tomorrow and then one a day as I have several more in Planoly!
Yes, doing coaching and being creative about it is who I am as a woman and this is my Soul Essence!